Colorado Human Trafficking Council Vacancies

Council Vacancies
Leaders wanted to end human trafficking!

The Colorado Human Trafficking Council is a statewide, legislatively established body that represents a wide-range of sectors, disciplines, and perspectives. The Council strives to build and enhance collaboration among communities, improve comprehensive services for victims and survivors of human trafficking, to assist in the successful prosecution of human traffickers, and to help prevent human trafficking in Colorado.

There are currently three vacant seats on the Council that cover the following roles:

  • A “representative of a regional or city-wide human trafficking coalition,”
  • A “representative of an organization that provides direct services to victims of human trafficking,”
  • A “representative of a “non-profit organization that facilitates the treatment or housing of human trafficking victims.”

If you or someone you know is appropriate for these vacancies, visit the Council Vacancies page for further information on how to apply.

Published by

Beth Klein

Beth Klein is retired from the active practice of law, but she still uses her powers for good. You will find her on a mountain top or very long walk with through the countryside . Beth is passionate about literacy programs and works to help teach people how to read all over the world.

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